Case study

ManualShare at Franchises

Photo of the interior of a cafeteria style restaurant with wooden tables.
What you want
  • As a franchisor, I would like to provide my franchisees with easy access to our brand guidelines and other important information.
  • As a franchisee, I want to keep up with upcoming changes to our products or menu, and familiarize myself with upcoming promotions and marketing.
  • As a franchisee, I would like to have an easy way to provide new employees with employee manuals and other important materials related to the franchise.

What we can do for you
  • Help you quickly create and provide up-to-date materials for your business that your franchisees can access at anytime.
  • Help you share important information with franchisees and employees, that they can access anytime and anywhere using a smartphone, tablet, or PC.
  • Provide you with a system that you can use for collaboration between your franchisees on a variety of projects ranging from marketing, infrastructure improvements, and more.
Photo of two people having drinks at a table while writing on notebooks.

ManualShare at your franchise

It is 8 am on Monday morning when you get a call from Mike, your contact at your franchise’s distribution center. “We’ve had a change in plans regarding this week’s special promotion. Check out the schedule on ManualShare. We’re sending Mark out your way with new signage, promotion sheets, and coupons.” It’s a bit stress inducing, but you tell him thanks and pull up ManualShare on your phone. All the details have been updated and you familiarize yourself with the upcoming promotion and share the info with the staff. Just as you finish up with your staff, Mark arrives with everything you needed. It’s good to know that even when things unexpectedly change, things can still end up running smoothly.

To every person in your franchise

ManualShare isn't just for franchisees, it can help franchisors and franchise employees create, manage, and share important information easily. It's free to sign up, and you can create and share as many manuals as needed. You can even invite others to collaborate with you on a project, such as brainstorming new menu items and special promotions. Help keep things streamlined, efficient, and on brand for your company and its franchises.











