Case study

ManualShare in Government and NPOs

Photo of the Ohio Statehouse.
What you want
  • To quickly create and share manuals with team members and other departments.
  • A system that would allow us to share manuals with the public, but keep others hidden for internal use.
  • To collaborate on manuals without having to buy, manage, and install extra software.
  • A system that tracks edits to manuals and allows us to change back to older versions with ease.

What we can do for you
  • Provide you with an easy-to-use editor that helps you focus on creating your manual quickly, and automatically creates a table of contents as you build your manual.
  • Allow you to have both public and private manual.
  • Help you invite team members to collaborate on manual, track the history of changes to a manual, and allow you to switch back to an earlier version at anytime.
  • Remove the headache of installing additional software. You can use ManualShare with just a web browser on a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
Photo of people resting and walking at the Reichstag Dome, at the German parliament.

ManualShare in government.

You’ve spent months gathering information about the upcoming construction on Main Street. You’ve contacted all parties involved and gathered all the information into a manual on ManualShare. You head into a meeting about how the city will inform the public of the construction, and you wait for your turn to speak about the information you gathered. You pull up a web browser to go over the information, and let everyone know that you sent them a link if they would like to follow along.

On your way out, Sarah, from the Public Communications Department, thanks you for sharing all the helpful info. “That info will help us get the message out to the citizens, and reduce the potential problems that come up from the construction. I hope you can convince some people in other departments to share more info in such a helpful way. It will save us a lot of headaches in the future.” You know the headaches she is describing all to well, which is why you made the move to ManualShare in the first place. You thank her and tell her that you’ll do your best to convince others in the office. The easier you can make it for others, the better things will be for everyone.

To every person on your team or in your organization.

Whether you are working in a government office, non-profit organization, or even part of a sports team, you can benefit from using ManualShare. It’s free, easy to get started, and you can have a whole team of people working together in a matter of minutes. You could be sitting down for a meal, waiting on your appetizers to come, and be setup and discussing what to work on before your food arrives. There’s no need to contact IT to request software, and then wait for them to install and troubleshoot it. You can just open your browser and get started.

Less Paper = More Green. ManualShare is paperless and environmentally friendly.
Why choose ManualShare?

Data based sharing.

We release you from files.

Access anytime, anywhere.

You can store your data on our cloud database center.

Use ManualShare for free.

It's easy to get started and easy to share.

Save budget.

Reduce printing costs by sharing your manuals digitally. Use the savings to improve other areas of your business.

Start in 5 min.

Getting started is easy and quick. Your organization can be set up and collaborating in just a few minutes.